Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Signing Time

If you haven't heard about Signing Time before you're missing out, so read on I'll tell you about them!

I absolutely LOVE, LOVE this company: Signing Time! They have been so helpful in teaching my son how to learn to sign as a second language. I found out about them through our local library when my son was one. These videos have been the most educational, entertaining, and easy way to learn ASL (American Sign Language). I had learned a little from my cousin over the years, who has a degree and taught at a local deaf school, and I also took a class for it in school. It truly is a fun learning experience. Yet, Signing Time takes it to a whole new level for teaching kids, even infants who can't talk yet, to communicate! I love using sign language for young kids because it makes them stop and think about what they are trying to say. Plus, it teaches them great manners! I require it of my son, like a lot of parents do, that he say please and thank you when he wants something. Yet I can see a notable difference in his attitude (especially for a now 3 year old) from when he speaks it to when he signs it. Signing requires patience, and that is very important in our young kids. While the world around them is all about getting things NOW! Overall it's been a great experience, so check them out at their website, Signing Time.

What I am even more excited to share with you is recently they have partnered with purple player ( for digital video streaming) to provide on and off line viewing of their 40+ episodes of Signing Time! There is a monthly membership, but I find it much more affordable than buying the individual DVDs or CDs and not such a dent in my wallet as buying them in packages. The nice thing is I can cancel my membership anytime! Plus once you download them they are yours forever!

I am in the process of downloading all the videos to my tablet so my son can watch them where ever we go, and not have to worry about WiFi or data! Purple player is a fairly new company so they have some kinks to work out, but they have been so very helpful through their live chat on their website any time I've had a problem. I like this way more than DVDs because they won't take up any space in my house, or in the car on trips!

So 5 stars from this home school mama for Signing Time and Purple Player, there's an app for that! I hope you check them out for yourself and see just how great they are for learning!

Thanks for reading, and please leave me feed back!
